Statistics show that 70% of restaurant diners never return

Repeat custom is GOLD-DUST!!


99% of businesses WASTE their TIME, MONEY and ENERGY on constantly marketing for new footfall, whereas the true GOLDMINE is in looking after those customers who already know where the business is and what they offer.


We have created THE most innovative solution that not only keeps you above the law, but also allows you to reach out and invite repeat customers.

This simple solution is actually very clever with a number of elements going on behind the scenes, yet with the simplest and cleanest landing page for speedy registration of your visitors.



46% of diners said they would definitely return if there was a loyalty-card system in place



  • Invite visitors to scan a QR (Quick Response) image with their phone.
  • This immediately offers them a "Welcome Drink" (or any offer of your choice)
  • They are asked to complete a form (this is mostly for your benefit to learn more about your average customer)
  • Customers are then encouraged to SHARE the voucher offer with their local Social Media friends (proven to have up to 10x greater reach than any of your other marketing efforts)
  • They are then immediately shown a voucher that confirms the 'Welcome Drink' 
    & we suggest that you also add, that they must spend money first in order to use the voucher. 
    eg. Buy Three Drinks & use this Voucher to Claim (Fourth) Free Drink
  • They are then told that they can Earn MORE freebies via the e-Loyalty card (this creates even more repeat custom)
  • Now that we have their contact info, we can send Push Notifications directly to their phone to encourage REPEAT visitors...